Welcome to Rosedale Friends Church

Sunday Morning Service at 10am in person and online via Zoom.

  • Image of Hylo Road and the Rosedale Friends Church Building
  • A Christmas concert in the Rosedale Friends Church sanctuary
  • Rosedale Friends Church's sanctuary filled with people celebrating a wedding anniversary
  • Image Rosedale Friends Church Building on a snowy day
  • Image of a bluegrass concert held on the lawn behind Rosedale Friends Church underneath tall trees
  • The sanctuary at Rosedale Friends Church. It contains rows of wooden pews and stained glass windows
  • A women's tea event in the gym at Rosedale Friends Church, with many women standing in front of a wall of quilts

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. You are my friends if you do what I command.

John 15:12-14 NIV

Join us for Worship

  • Regular Service (Programmed Service): Sunday mornings 10am
  • Traditional Friends (Unprogrammed) service the last Sunday of the month at 7 pm

Join us on Zoom

For those who are joining us today online, you may either connect online using “Zoom” or call in. The meeting number is “963 0118 1076” .


Check out our Facebook page for more updates at: www.facebook.com/RosedaleFriendsChurch

Where to Find Us